Saturday, June 27, 2015

White Genocide as Political Strategy

It seems middle-class whites have forfeited the confidence of the Federal Government. We are currently being dissolved, and a new people are being elected by our ruling class. With apologies to Brecht, I don't think we got the opportunity to win back the confidence of our ruling class through redoubled efforts.

I ain't even mad about the gay marriage SCOTUS decision. You could see that coming a mile away. The minute normal folks accepted the term "gay marriage" as a thing, the battle was lost. It was lost right there in the language. Words are supposed to mean things, but we have made our language so malleable with all our politicians, and lawyers, and politician lawyers we often lose the fight through the language before there was ever really a fight. I wonder if my kid's wonderful gay teacher will move back here now that his marriage will be recognized? Gotta find a silver lining, right?

No, the recent SCOTUS decisions are the expected outcome of a different issue altogether. One that will soon get its own post soon enough. I am more concerned with the way both major political parties have completely abandoned middle-class white males. Not only have we been abandoned politically, we have been abandoned in very real ways that are intended to result in our dissolution as a people.

When the borders are wide open, black on white crime goes unreported nationally, the rare incidents of white on black crime are hyped for weeks on end, incidents of white people defending themselves end in criminal charges and the white people involved have to go into hiding, and constant media promotion of interracial relationships there is only one possible outcome. The dissolution of middle-class whites as a people.

And what's worse is middle-class whites have no one to advocate for them politically. If there was any doubt that the GOP was not on our side, that should have evaporated in the fervor with which they attacked the Confederate Battle Flag. And like a dog that's been kicked too much, or maybe not enough, the middle-class whites in this country will continue to vote for and donate to the GOP.

The few people with enough balls to even tiptoe around the very edges of this subject are dismissed as hateful hating haters, and never engaged in substantive debates. When black on white crime crime statistics are brought up, you get a hand wave, "these are no the statistics you are looking for," followed by overall crime statistics which have nothing to do with the argument. That of course is then followed by the obligatory screeches of "she's a witch, burn her!"

So what do we middle-class whites do? I figure there are a few possible options. There needs to be a third party option that isn't afraid to address the realities of race. Seems like a long shot due to all the wealth and corporate power wielded by the two major parties. Or we could try to shift the political winds through state and local elections by electing people committed to shifting the balance of power from the Federal Government back to the states. Unlikely because I haven't seen anyone like that running for office.

A more likely option is that the nation will descend into violent revolution. While we are all fighting each other, some foreign power (Russia or China or both) will swoop (swooping is bad) in and conquer us rather easily. Then the true ethnic cleansing, and chilling of dissent will begin.

I think the most like option will be that we will do nothing. This already dead nation will continue to decompose and fester. We will be vassals for the ruling corporatists kept fat and stupid by a steady diet of reality TV, televised sports, and fast food. Hey, wait....

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